Dissemination / reports

This deliverable summarizes the results of Task 1.5 “Guidelines for the implementation of a continuous EPC workflow”, included in Work Package 1 (WP1) of the TIMEPAC project. The objective of...

Guidelines for the implementation of a continuous EPC workflow

This deliverable summarizes the results of Task 1.5 “Guidelines for the implementation of a continuous EPC workflow”, included in Work Package 1 (WP1) of the TIMEPAC project. The objective of WP1 is to conduct a comparative study of the elements involved in the development of...
Deliverable 1.1
This deliverable summarizes the results of Task 1.1 “EPC generation” included in Work Package 1 (WP1) of the TIMEPAC project. The objective of WP1 is to carry out a comparative...

Context analysis of EPC generation

Deliverable 1.1
This deliverable summarizes the results of Task 1.1 “EPC generation” included in Work Package 1 (WP1) of the TIMEPAC project. The objective of WP1 is to carry out a comparative study of the elements involved in the development of future scenarios to work with enhanced...
Deliverable 1.2
This deliverable summarizes the results obtained in Task 1.2 “EPC data storage” included in Work Package 1 (WP1) of the TIMEPAC project. The objective of WP1 is to carry out...

Comprehensive analysis of data storage in the participating countries

Deliverable 1.2
This deliverable summarizes the results obtained in Task 1.2 “EPC data storage” included in Work Package 1 (WP1) of the TIMEPAC project. The objective of WP1 is to carry out a comparative study of the elements involved in the development of future scenarios to work...
Deliverable 1.3
The present deliverable, D1.3, relates to the work performed in Task 1.3 of TIMEPAC. Task 1.3 is part of Work Package 1 (WP1), which is aimed at carrying out a...

Report on EPC data analysis

Deliverable 1.3
The present deliverable, D1.3, relates to the work performed in Task 1.3 of TIMEPAC. Task 1.3 is part of Work Package 1 (WP1), which is aimed at carrying out a comparative study of the elements involved in the energy performance certification (EPC) data flow devised...
Deliverable 2.1
This report summarizes the work of Task 2.1 “TDS 1- Generating enhanced EPCs with BIM data”, one of the five scenarios carried out in Work package 2 “Transversal Deployment Scenarios”...

Generating enhanced EPCs with BIM data

Deliverable 2.1
This report summarizes the work of Task 2.1 “TDS 1- Generating enhanced EPCs with BIM data”, one of the five scenarios carried out in Work package 2 “Transversal Deployment Scenarios” (TDS). This work package is concerned with the creation of future scenarios with the aim...
Deliverable 1.4
This document contains the results of the work carried out in Task 1.4 “Exploitation of EPC data” of Work Package 1 “Context Analysis to Support EPC Workflow” of the TIMEPAC...

Report of existing barriers to exploit EPCs and BIM

Deliverable 1.4
This document contains the results of the work carried out in Task 1.4 “Exploitation of EPC data” of Work Package 1 “Context Analysis to Support EPC Workflow” of the TIMEPAC project. The objective of WP1 is to carry out a comparative study of the elements...
Deliverable 2.2
This report summarizes to the work performed in Task 2.2 “TDS 2- Enhancing EPC schemas through operational data integration” of Work Package 2 “Transversal Deployment Scenarios”. This work package is...

Enhancing EPC schemas through operational data integration

Deliverable 2.2
This report summarizes to the work performed in Task 2.2 “TDS 2- Enhancing EPC schemas through operational data integration” of Work Package 2 “Transversal Deployment Scenarios”. This work package is concerned with the creation of future scenarios with the aim of deploying and delivering new...
Deliverable 2.3
This report summarizes the work done in Task 2.3 “TDS 3- Creating Building Renovation Passports from data repositories”. In a nutshell, TIMEPAC supports the implementation of the Renovation Passport by...

Creating building renovation passports from data repositories

Deliverable 2.3
This report summarizes the work done in Task 2.3 “TDS 3- Creating Building Renovation Passports from data repositories”. In a nutshell, TIMEPAC supports the implementation of the Renovation Passport by assessing renovation projects in the partner countries regarding procedures how to make use of data...
Deliverable 2.4
Deliverable 2.4 “Procedures and services for the integration of Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) and environmental sustainability indicators in existing EPC tools” relates to the work performed in Task 2.4 of...

Procedures and services for the integration of the SRI and environmental sustainability indicators in existing EPC tools

Deliverable 2.4
Deliverable 2.4 “Procedures and services for the integration of Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) and environmental sustainability indicators in existing EPC tools” relates to the work performed in Task 2.4 of the TIMEPAC project “Towards Innovative Methods for Energy Performance Assessment and Certification”. Task 2.4 is...
Deliverable 2.5
This report summarizes to the work performed in Task 2.5 “TDS 5 - Large scale statistical analysis of EPC databases” of Work Package 2 “Transversal Deployment Scenarios”. This work package...

Procedures and services to undertake large-scale statistical analysis of EPCs databases

Deliverable 2.5
This report summarizes to the work performed in Task 2.5 “TDS 5 - Large scale statistical analysis of EPC databases” of Work Package 2 “Transversal Deployment Scenarios”. This work package is concerned with the creation of future scenarios with the aim of deploying and delivering...
Deliverable 3.1
This report provides a summary of the activities undertaken in Task 3.1 “Improving certification with enhanced EPCs” of Work Package 3 (WP3) “Verification Scenarios”. The main goal of this work...

Report on improved certification with enhanced EPCs

Deliverable 3.1
This report provides a summary of the activities undertaken in Task 3.1 “Improving certification with enhanced EPCs” of Work Package 3 (WP3) “Verification Scenarios”. The main goal of this work package is to validate the results of the Transversal Deployment Scenarios (TDSs) developed in Work...
Deliverable 3.2
This document provides a summary of the activities undertaken in Task 3.2 "EPC exploitation through advanced analysis " of Work Package 3 (WP3) “Verification Scenarios”. The main goal of this...

Report on EPC exploitation through advanced analysis

Deliverable 3.2
This document provides a summary of the activities undertaken in Task 3.2 "EPC exploitation through advanced analysis " of Work Package 3 (WP3) “Verification Scenarios”. The main goal of this work package is to validate the results of the Transversal Deployment Scenarios (TDSs) developed in...
Deliverable 3.3
This report provides a summary of the activities undertaken in Task 3.3 “Building Renovation Passports from the analysis of enhanced EPC data” of WP3 “Verification Scenarios”. The primary objective of...

Report on building Renovation Passports from enhanced EPC data

Deliverable 3.3
This report provides a summary of the activities undertaken in Task 3.3 “Building Renovation Passports from the analysis of enhanced EPC data” of WP3 “Verification Scenarios”. The primary objective of this work package is to confirm the outputs of the Transversal Deployment Scenarios developed, which...
Deliverable 3.4
This report provides a summary of the activities undertaken in Task 3.4 “Improving building operation with enhanced EPC ” of WP3 “Verification Scenarios”. The main goal of this work package...

Report on improving building operation with enhanced EPCs

Deliverable 3.4
This report provides a summary of the activities undertaken in Task 3.4 “Improving building operation with enhanced EPC ” of WP3 “Verification Scenarios”. The main goal of this work package is to validate the results of the Transversal Deployment Scenarios (TDSs) developed in Work Package...
Deliverable 5.1
The Present D5.1 ‘Communication and Dissemination Master Plan’ outlines the communication and dissemination activities planned by TIMEPAC partners for the whole project duration. It describes the overall communication strategy of...

Communication and Dissemination Plan

Deliverable 5.1
The Present D5.1 ‘Communication and Dissemination Master Plan’ outlines the communication and dissemination activities planned by TIMEPAC partners for the whole project duration. It describes the overall communication strategy of the consortium, and functions as a guide for project partners when speaking about or on...
Deliverable 5.2
This deliverable is a description of the TIMEPAC website and its different functionalities. The pictures of the website included in this document refer to the state at M4 of the...

Project Website

Deliverable 5.2
This deliverable is a description of the TIMEPAC website and its different functionalities. The pictures of the website included in this document refer to the state at M4 of the project. The TIMEPAC website will be updated periodically, in order to adhere to the overall...
Deliverable 5.6
This is a report of the TIMEPAC-21 workshop “Dynamic EPC as enabler of Smart Energy Services – Energy Efficiency, Integration of RES in Buildings and Demand Response” organized by the...

Proceedings of the TIMEPAC-21 workshop in Ljubljana

Deliverable 5.6
This is a report of the TIMEPAC-21 workshop “Dynamic EPC as enabler of Smart Energy Services – Energy Efficiency, Integration of RES in Buildings and Demand Response” organized by the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) that took place online on December 14th and 15th 2021. This...
Deliverable 5.7
This is a report of TIMEPAC-22 International Workshop “Enhancing energy performance certification to drive the deep renovation of Europe’s building stock”, organized by the Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) that took...

Proceedings of the TIMEPAC-22 International Workshop in Torino

Deliverable 5.7
This is a report of TIMEPAC-22 International Workshop “Enhancing energy performance certification to drive the deep renovation of Europe’s building stock”, organized by the Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) that took place on November 30th 2022 in Torino, Italy. This document contains the programme of the...
Deliverable 5.8
This is a report of the TIMEPAC-23 International Workshop “Towards a dynamic and enhanced EPC: advanced procedures for building assessment and certification”, organized by SERA global GmbH that took place...

Proceedings of the TIMEPAC-23 International Workshop in Vienna

Deliverable 5.8
This is a report of the TIMEPAC-23 International Workshop “Towards a dynamic and enhanced EPC: advanced procedures for building assessment and certification”, organized by SERA global GmbH that took place on 21 November 2023 at the IG Architektur, Gumpendorferstraße 63B, Vienna, Austria....
Deliverable 6.3
This document provides a detailed description of TIMEPAC’s Data Management Plan (DMP), which covers the life cycle of the management of the data to be collected, processed and generated in...

Data Management Plan

Deliverable 6.3
This document provides a detailed description of TIMEPAC’s Data Management Plan (DMP), which covers the life cycle of the management of the data to be collected, processed and generated in the project. The purpose of the procedures included in this plan is to make these...
Deliverable 6.4
In this document, the project activities which could raise some ethical issues are identified and the protocols which need to be followed to prevent them are described. In particular, activities...

Ethics Plan

Deliverable 6.4
In this document, the project activities which could raise some ethical issues are identified and the protocols which need to be followed to prevent them are described. In particular, activities involving data protection such as obtaining information about users’ behaviour, requiring the consent of users...