TIMEPAC - Final Conference

Innovating Energy Certification: Transforming Building Performance Assessment

Start: October 4, 2024 9:00 am

End: October 4, 2024 6:00 pm

Over the past three years, TIMEPAC has been envisioning and deploying future scenarios to transform building energy performance assessments into dynamic evaluations that consider buildings as integral parts of the built environment. The insights gained from these efforts have been thoroughly reported, synthesized into a series of factsheets, and disseminated through the TIMEPAC Academy’s training activities.

A key objective of TIMEPAC is to enhance building certification by integrating data from multiple domains, providing a comprehensive understanding of buildings from a sustainability perspective. The recently approved Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) supports the creation of EPC databases that connect with other data sources and promotes the complementarity of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) with additional indicators such as the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI).

This end-of-award conference is free to attend and will present and discuss TIMEPAC’s vision and findings with researchers, professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders involved in building energy performance evaluation and renovation.

The conference will be structured into two parts: three round tables with guest experts, and two session dedicated to the presentations of papers on current building assessment research selected through the open call (see below).

3 Round tables + 2 Presentation sessions

Round table 1: Building renovation plans and passport

This round table will explore the pivotal role that the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), as proposed by the latest Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) recast, can play in accelerating the renovation of building stock, with a focus on residential buildings. The discussion will address the various challenges associated with implementing renovation passports at both national and European levels. Key topics will include the assessment of building stock, securing financial investments, and the development of new professional services

Round table 2: Enhanced energy performance certificate

The discussion will focus on the complementarity of the EPCs with other certification schemes, particularly the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI). We will discuss how building certificates can evolve into tools for continuous assessment of building performance, framed within the broader context of sustainability. Join us to explore the integration of these certifications and their potential to drive improvements in energy performance. Additionally, we will examine how enhancing energy certification with operational data can make EPCs a more effective tool for assessing building performance over time.

Round table 3: Improving building assessment through data integration

This session will highlight the capacity of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to gather information from multiple sources throughout a building's lifetime, from design to operation. We will delve into the potential links between digital logbooks, BIM, and renovation passports for managing and maintaining building data throughout its lifecycle. The discussion will address the challenges of integrating building data from various sources, such as EPC databases and cadasters, and across different scales, including national databases and the EU Building Observatory. We will also examine how these efforts align with the vision for EPCs outlined in the EPBD.

Presentations session 1: Enhanced EPCs

In this session, invited researchers, industry experts, and policymakers will present their work on topics related to enhancing building energy performance certificates.

Presentations session 2: Renovation Passport

In this session, invited researchers, industry experts, and policymakers will present their work on topics related to the building renovation passport.


Friday, 04 October 2024 | 09am - 06pm

11:00 | Round table 1: Building renovation plans and passport

Ainhoa Mata - ICAEN, Spain
Round table:
Rui Fragoso - Head of Buildings and Efficiency of Resources at ADENE - Agência para a Energia, Portugal
Silvio De Nigris - Public Officer at the Sustainable Energy Department, Regione Piemonte, Italy
Killian Paenen - Product Owner of Woningpas/Gebouwenpas at the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA), Flanders, Belgium

12:00 | Round table 2: Enhanced energy performance certificate

Vincenzo Corrado - Politecnico di Torino | Italy
Round table:
Licinio Alfaro - Head of Department of Sustainable Construction at ITeC, Spain
Laura Canale - Senior Researcher Dpt. of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
Boris Sučić - Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

14:00 | Round table 3: Improving building assessment through data integration

Álvaro Sicilia - La Salle- Ramon Llull University, Spain
Round table:
Thomas Bednar - Professor, Head of Department at TU Wien, Austria
Rolando Biere - Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
Gloria Calleja - CEMOSA, Spain

15:15 - 18:00 | Current research in building energy performance and assessment

Presentations selected through the open call

Session 1 | Enhanced EPC
Moderated by Ilaria Ballarini - Politecnico di Torino

Session 2 | Renovation Passport
Moderated by Bettina Sticher - SERA Global


Register to TIMEPAC Final Conference (in person)

Open to all, free of charge

Call for Papers:

Present your work

We invite researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to submit papers on topics related to enhancing building energy performance certificates, data integration for comprehensive building assessments, and innovative approaches to building renovation.

Submissions can focus on new methodologies, case studies, policy analyses, and technological advancements that contribute to the field. Selected papers will be presented at the conference and included in the conference proceedings.


TIMEPAC-Final Conference will be held at ICAEN Catalan Institute for Energy Carrer del Foc, 57 Barcelona