TIMEPAC at LIFE IPCare4Climate conference in Ljubljana

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Back in June, TIMEPAC representatives spent a few days in Ljubljana, Slovenia to first present at the LIFE IP Care4Climate 2022 international conference and then meet with consortium partners at the reactor of the Jožef Stefan Institute.

Ljubljana in Slovenia is known as the first Zero Waste capital in Europe, making it an appropriate setting for the international conference: ‘With successful practices to climate neutrality” hosted by LIFE IPCare4Climate,  an integrated Project that aims to help Slovenia meet its 2020 and 2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction targets through awareness-raising, education programmes and the training of key stakeholders. Here, attendees presented the latest trends in sustainable mobility, green building transformation, sustainable and climate-friendly land use (LULUCF), sustainable construction, and green public procurement.  

TIMEPAC coordinator Leandro Madrazo presented the project under the “Energy information systems to improve the energy performance of buildings” session. You can  watch his presentation in the video below and download his slide deck HERE. Session Q&A is available HERE

Boris Sucic from the Josef Stefan Institute in Slovenia and also a partner in TIMEPAC also presented the session on “Energy communities as a means of green transformation of urban areas”. Watch it in Slovenian HERE

 A visual artist accompanied the whole conference and drew up highlights from each presentation. Visit the event website to download all visual materials and presentations.

The conference was followed by a 2-day TIMEPAC consortium meeting at the reactor of the Jose Stefan Institute in Ljubljana where partners focused on the development of the “five Transversal Deployment Scenarios” tackling questions such as: “How EPC will be enhanced? What data are needed?  Who will benefit from the enhanced EPCs? Which training will be needed and for whom?” in relation to each scenario. They also explored possibilities of transversal integration between Demonstration Scenarios and Training Scenarios within the Transversal Deployment Scenario 3 related to Building Renovation Passports.