Opening session
Welcome and TIMEPAC Vision
Leandro Madrazo, La Salle-URL (FUNITEC)
Session 1: Using BIM for the EPC generation process
Setting the scene: EPC and BIM
Álvaro Sicilia, TIMEPAC
Integration of Open BIM and EPC: lessons learned
Benjamin Gonzalez, CYPE
The open platform of the MODERATE project to enhance building processes
Francesca Conselvan, e-think Energy Research
Panel discussion with presenters and audience: Which challenges remain? What is still needed to solve them?
Moderator: Sabine Sint, TU Wien SIMULTAN
Session 2: Integrating data sources in renovation roadmaps
Setting the scene: Making use of data repositories for generating renovation roadmaps
Susanne Geissler, TIMEPAC
The untapped potential of Austrian Energy Performance Certificates going public
Armin Tahirovic, ah3 architects
Benefits and requirements of linking building data sources
Nicole Hartl, Austrian Energy Agency
Integration of EPCs in the Administration databases
Adrián Fernández Fernández, EREN
Panel discussion with presenters and audience: Which challenges remain? What is still needed to solve them?
Moderator: Bettina Sticher, SERA Institute
Session 3: Enhanced EPC - integrating additional indicators, SRI, and BRP
Setting the scene: Additional indicators, from design to implementation
Boris Sučić, TIMEPAC
Implementing the SRI in the national context – findings from research projects supporting the Austrian SRI testing phase
Doris Österreicher, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Integrating SRI in an EU project, Smart2B - Online Presentation
Miguel Brito, Energias de Portugal (EDP)
Panel discussion with presenters and audience: Which challenges remain? What is still needed to solve them?
Moderator: Marcus Hummel, e-think Energy Research
Session 4: Supporting the Renovation Wave
Setting the scene: Building archetypes for developing municipal renovation plans
Ilaria Ballarini, TIMEPAC
URBAN Transformation COLLECTIVE for urbane conversion on different levels of action
Jutta Wörtl-Gössler, Räume für Menschen Architektur
Implementing Building Renovation Plans through a Holistic Data-Driven Platform
Adirane Calvo, Álvaro Sicilia, Leandro Madrazo, La Salle-URL
From one-time data collection to continuous monitoring
Lukas Kranzl, TU Wien
Panel discussion with presenters and audience: Which challenges remain? What is still needed to solve them?
Moderator: Iná Maia, TU Wien Energy Economics Group